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Thermocouple calibration software

T-Metrics® or STG760 is a thermocouple calibration system designed for the calibration of resistance thermometers and thermocouples. This system is developed entirely by Gometrics to work in conjunction with the DL760 family of instruments.

Designed and intended for laboratories and companies that need to optimize time in temperature probe calibration operations. It is in fact an advanced and highly accurate system that supports the reading of intelligent reference probes (SPRT) and four-wire standard probes.

The software of this multichannel system allows the automation of the recording processes of the different measurements, as well as the control and supervision of dry-well furnaces and thermostatic baths and is based on the precision thermometer. RTMetrics which brings metrological robustness to the entire system.

With this system, probe calibration can be performed reliably, accurately and with minimal downtime.




  • T-Metrics® is a software for automating calibrations of multiple temperature probes.
  • It is based on the RTMetrics® precision thermometer.


  • Accuracy
  • Reliability
  • Speed


  • Calibration of temperature probes
  • Calibration of resistance thermometers and thermocouples
  • Control and supervision of dry-well furnaces and thermostatic baths.
  • Allows to automate the recording processes of the different measurements.

Request information

    En cumplimiento de la LOPD 15/1999 de 13 de Diciembre, le informamos que sus datos podrían pasar a formar parte de un fichero propiedad de la empresa Gometrics S.L. Usted tiene derecho de acceso, rectificación, oposición y cancelación que puede ejercer mediante escrito a la dirección anteriormente indicada. Por la presente autoriza expresamente a la compañía a que le remita información sobre sus servicios a la dirección de correo electrónico indicada en el formulario. La información ofrecida en esta página web es meramente orientativa y no es, en ningún caso, vinculante.