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Gometrics, recognized as a “healthy company” by the City Council of Polinyà

Entrega sello Empresa saludable-recortada
Gometrics has been recognized with the “Healthy Company” seal awarded by the City Council of Polinyà, in collaboration with the Association of Municipalities of L’Eix de la Riera de Caldes (AMERC) in Barcelona.


We would like to thank the Mayor of Polinyà, Javier Silva, for the “Healthy Company” seal awarded to Gometrics by AMERC, the Association of Municipalities of l’Eix de la Riera de Caldes (Barcelona). This is a recognition that rewards the commitment of companies in the care of health in the workplace.


Throughout 2022, Gometrics has prioritized the concept of a healthy company with various initiatives with the idea of integrating them into the company’s values and culture. We will continue to work along these lines in 2023.

At Gometrics, we firmly believe that policies aimed at caring for the health and well-being of people contribute to a future of higher quality of life and also to the improvement of the company’s competitiveness.


If we take care of ourselves, we all win!




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    En cumplimiento de la LOPD 15/1999 de 13 de Diciembre, le informamos que sus datos podrían pasar a formar parte de un fichero propiedad de la empresa Gometrics S.L. Usted tiene derecho de acceso, rectificación, oposición y cancelación que puede ejercer mediante escrito a la dirección anteriormente indicada. Por la presente autoriza expresamente a la compañía a que le remita información sobre sus servicios a la dirección de correo electrónico indicada en el formulario. La información ofrecida en esta página web es meramente orientativa y no es, en ningún caso, vinculante.