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5850EM Series

5850EM Series Metal Sealed Thermal Mass Flow Controllers

Proven long-term stability. Ultra-pure performance for high pressure applications.

Models 5850EM / 5851EM

5850EM Series metal sealed mass flow controllers measure and control high-pressure gas flows in ultra-clean environments with a proven stability built on the performance of the widely used 5850E & i Series MFCs. Its metal sealed construction and electro-polished wetted surfaces ensure outstanding flow integrity and help improve overall process efficiency by eliminating the need for continuous monitoring and readjustment of gas pressures to provide a stable gas flow.


  • Long-term zero stability of <0.2% full scale per year
  • <3 seconds settling time to command changes with negligible overshoot/undershoot
  • Wide flow range – from 3 sccm up to 30,000 slpm
  • High pressure rating – up to 1,500 psi
  • Optional enhanced process internal finish – 5µ inch Ra avg
  • Removable flow sensor
  • Insensitive to mounting attitude
  • Mechanically and electrically compatible with other mass flow controllers
  • TTL compatible “valve off” and purge function


  • All-metal flow path enhances gas purity and reduces leaks
  • Proven long-term stability and accuracy across broad process and application range
  • Excellent return on investment due to reliable performance
  • Removable flow sensor eliminates need for continuous monitoring and readjustment of gas pressures
  • Easily installed and serviced with analog only input/outputs

Key Applications

  • Fiber Optic
  • Semiconductor
  • Solar


Performance Ratings Diagnostics & Display

Product Type Mass Flow Controller
Differentiator Large installed base with proven long term performance
Flow Range (Full Scale Capacity) .06 sccm – 30,000 sccm
Accuracy 1% F.S. incl. linearity
1.5% F.S. incl. linearity >20 slpm
Repeatability 0.2% of rate
Linearity ±0.5% F.S. (included in accuracy)
Response Time Normally Closed Valve: <3 sec
Optional: 600 msec
Multi-Gas & Range Configurability
Pressure Transient Insensitivity
Control Range 2-3% – 100%
Number of Bins N/A
Valve Shut Down N/A
Zero Stability < ±0.5% F.S. per year
Seal Material Metal
Level of Purity / Surface Finish 316L VAR, 316L, and high alloy ferritic stainless steel
Wetted Materials Valve Seat: 316L, Viton® fluoroelastomers, Buna-N, Kalrez® or Teflon®
Valve Options Normally Closed, Normally Open
Meter (no valve)
Max Temperature 65oC
Differential Pressure Range 5 – 50 psi (gas and range dependent)
Max Pressure 1500 psi
Leak Integrity 1×10-10 atm cc/sec He
Diagnostic Capability
Status Lights MFC Health, Network Status
Alarms Control Valve Output, Network Interruption
Diagnostic / Service Port N/A
Analog Communication 4-20 mA
0-5 Vdc
Digital Communication
Electrical Connection 15 Pin D Connector (DA-15P)
Power Supply / Consumption Normally Closed valve: 3.25 watts
Normally Open valve: 10.5 watts
Environmental Compliance N/A
EMC (89/336/EEC) per 61326

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