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CMX Enterprise calibration software

CMX Enterprise software takes calibration management to a higher level. Installing CMX Enterprise with floating licenses on the corporate server allows all plants to share the same system and database worldwide.

Storing calibration procedures data in a database, as well as sharing similar procedures at the corporate level, increases the productivity of the company’s workforce and makes the entire calibration system more efficient.

It is also much easier to draw conclusions, improve operations and analyze calibration results.

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  • Automated procedures that increase productivity
  • All plants can share the same system and database worldwide
  • Many customization possibilities


  • Ideal for customers looking for global installation of calibration software with multiple sites and multilingual users
  • Improve the quality of stored calibration results


  • Installation of floating licenses on the corporate server to share the same system in all offices and plants worldwide
  • Easy and secure documentation of calibration data
  • Database with unlimited number of positions

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