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Portable flow gauge SMF – EP ENGINEERING

The SMF Mobile Flowmeter is designed as a compressed air operated gas flow meter. The calibration flow rate is adjusted with a combination of a high precision pressure regulating valve and sonic nozzles.

The calibration of the test element is performed in the following configuration: Compressed air – supply – SMF – test element – atmosphere.

Data acquisition and evaluation is carried out on the basis of a PC with software programmed in LabVIEW.

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  • Compact design, mobile mounting
  • Short transition time with quick couplings
  • Easy operation with intuitive software
  • High stability over time (low drift)


  • Calibration device for gas meters, MFM, MFC, LFE, Venturi
  • Test stand for valves, control elements, gas flow meters
  • Determining Filter Characteristics
  • Determination of valve characteristics


  • versioned: 0,06 a 2,4 kg/h y 0,6 a 24 kg/h
  • Uncertainty: 0,4 % rdg
  • Operating fluid: Compressed air
  • Sensor element: Sonic nozzles

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