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OBM & OBM-LT Low Temperature Calibration Micro Bathes

Kambic's OBM and OBM-LT low temperature calibration microbathes are available to our customers.

The two microbath models are configured using a touch screen with an easy-to-use user interface, allowing the display of historical graphics and advanced settings.

It has handles on the top for better handling and portability, each handle has holes to place cables and sensors.

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  • Touch screen with an easy-to-use user interface
  • Improved handling and portability
  • Four sides allow access for micro bath maintenance


  • Calibration laboratories
  • Testing laboratories
  • Universities and R&D centres
  • Chemical and pharmaceutical industry
  • Food processing industry


  • Stainless steel fork on the cover, anti-spill and drip protection
  • Unique vertical design
  • Drain valve

Technical specifications

Temperature range OBM: +35 … + 220
OBM-LT: -40 … + 130
Volume (L) ~1
External dimensions OBM: 203 x 489 x 311 mm
OBM-LT: 203 x 609 x 311 mm
Internal dimensions 56 x 200 mm
Display temperature resolution 0.001
Temperature stability OBM: 0.005 a +50 °C / 0.008 a +100 °C
OBM-LT: 0.007 a -40 °C / 0.005 a +50 °C / 0.008 a +100 °C
Temperature uniformity ± 0.02 a +50 °C
Warm-up speed ~ 36 min (40 °C a 130 °C)
Communication ports Ethernet, RS 232 o USB
Working chamber 1 L with 200 mm depth of immersion
Refrigeration Its cooling system is based on a high-performance air compressor

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