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T244, an improved resistance thermometer simulator


Gometrics continues to enhance its Tinycal range of instruments with the new T244 resistance thermometer simulator, a portable, self-contained electronic device designed for the verification and calibration of Pt100 temperature sensors.

This instrument has a double function: measurement and simulation. The measurement function allows the temperature measured by the probe to be displayed on the screen. The simulation function allows to generate the electronic signal equivalent to the temperature value to be simulated and supports pulsed excitation current.

The resolution and accuracy have been improved compared to the previous version. The high precision and stability of the equipment makes it a perfect standard tool for instrument calibration or probe testing.

This new device is the evolution of the SIM Pt100 resistance thermometer, manufactured by Gometrics and endorsed by its more than 25 years of experience in temperature measurement. This equipment includes a set of features with the aim of speeding up and facilitating the most common tasks in the verification of temperature measuring instruments, which use variable resistance elements depending on the change of temperature.

In addition, this device is delivered with the corresponding calibration certificate with expression of uncertainty.

For more information on the new T244, see its data sheet and the related blog article.

Vivimos la calibración


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