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Gometrics to participate in the 7th Spanish Metrology Congress


Gometrics will be present as exhibitor at the 7th Spanish Metrology Congress organized by the Spanish Metrology Center (CEM) on September 27-29 at the Congress and Exhibition Center of Avila. A pre-session will be held on Monday, September 26 for the dissemination and reception of authorities and participants.

This congress is one of the most prestigious events in the world of metrology in our country. Its vocation is to generate meeting spaces and promote the exchange of scientific and technical information in the field of measurements and instrumentation, as well as the intensification of cooperation between experts from institutions, industries, universities and administrations. It is aimed at companies that use measurement technologies both at industrial and research level, as well as manufacturers that carry out developments of instrumentation and equipment related to measurements, and any entity that has implemented a Quality Management System.

Our participation is aimed at showing some of our spotlight products, such as :

* Gometrics Gas mixer
* Furness Controls Extra low pressure primary standard, range 0,001 Pa to 40 KPa
* Beamex ePG electric pressure pump


We will also be there to answer technical questions from our customers. See you in Avila!


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    En cumplimiento de la LOPD 15/1999 de 13 de Diciembre, le informamos que sus datos podrían pasar a formar parte de un fichero propiedad de la empresa Gometrics S.L. Usted tiene derecho de acceso, rectificación, oposición y cancelación que puede ejercer mediante escrito a la dirección anteriormente indicada. Por la presente autoriza expresamente a la compañía a que le remita información sobre sus servicios a la dirección de correo electrónico indicada en el formulario. La información ofrecida en esta página web es meramente orientativa y no es, en ningún caso, vinculante.