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TrekView Data Logger

The TrekView sensor is a HANWELL temperature data logger for efficient monitoring of the cold chain.

TrekView is an innovative and efficient product that ensures that you know at all times if the product has been exposed to unacceptable temperature conditions that may adversely affect the merchandise.

Without violating the integrity of your product’s shipping container, you can now measure, analyze, document and confirm that the temperature has been within acceptable tolerance limits during transport and storage.

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  • Container and cold chain mapping
  • Reduces transport and packaging costs
  • Reduces loss and damage during transport or storage
  • Protects fragile and sensitive goods


  • Monitoring of environmental conditions during freight transport
  • Visibility throughout the logistics chain


  • Smaller than a credit card
  • Personalization of parameters, access to data and monitoring
  • RFID capability that allows scanning through containers and packaging
  • Designed for applications in adverse environments

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