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Pressure stabilizer BCU2

The BCU-2 pressure stabilizer is a desktop device designed to facilitate the calibration of pneumatic instruments.

The high resolution of the BCU-2, together with its capacity to generate pressure or vacuum, make it an ideal instrument for low pressure (below 1 psi) for calibrating and carrying out essays.

The stabilizer disposes of two pressure output at the front via push fit coupling and one at the rear with power supply 1/8” NPT H. From a regulated pressure source, it can adjust any pressure value with and precision/sensitivity of 0.0005 psi (0.03 mbar).



  • Three control elements
  • Two front pressure outlets via quick coupling and one rear 1/8" NPT H supply outlet.


  • Facilitates calibration of pneumatic instruments
  • Adjusts any pressure value with a sensitivity of 0.0005 psi (0.03 mbar) from a regulated pressure source


  • Ideal for low pressure testing and calibration
  • Calibration of pneumatic instruments


Maximum working range Vacuum upt tu 2100 psi (144 bar)
Resists until 6000 psi
Sensitivity 0,0005 psi
Number of rounds 61
Internal volume 57 cm3
Maximum diferential pressure between camaras 7 bar
Three control elements
  • Valve for adjusting power flow (A)
  • Valve for adjusting atmosphere flow (B)
  • Pressure fine tuning with the isolation valve between two cameras (C and D)

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