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Air quality sensor – CLIMABOX

The CLIMABOX air quality sensor is designed to control CO2, temperature and humidity in one instrument. The unit has been specifically designed to monitor the quality of CO2 in the air, thus preventing sick buildings syndrome (SBS). In addition, the performance of heating and air treatment systems can be analyzed to improve efficiency and/or provide diagnostic data to predict service intervals.

The technology of this HANWELL product has established itself as the most flexible environmental monitoring technology on the market today, allowing users to expand gearbox systems when needed.

CLIMABOX is available in two formats: datalogger for independent data logging and wireless version for distribution monitoring and control applications.

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  • Provide optimum air quality for workers and visitors
  • Reduce sick leave
  • Prevention of sick building syndrome with discreet monitoring


  • Air quality monitoring in offices and enclosed spaces
  • Measurement of parameters such as CO2, temperature and humidity


  • LCD display with data readings and battery life
  • Memory capacity 100,000 readings
  • Accessible Battery and USB jack
  • Low power radio for long distance transmission

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