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Digital indicator TI-500

Gometrics digital indicators TI-550 are panel receptors that display on a digital screen the variations in an electronic signal from a process instrument, transmitter, or converter.

The TI-500 series range of high performance electronic instruments are programmable from a front keyboard that allows access to up to three pages of programming for the instrument configuration according to the application allowing the entry signal, analog output, alarms etc. to be quickly and easily changed if desired.

An easy to read 5-digit display, alarm position LEDs and three membrane keys for configuration complete the front cover of this high precision and extremely reliable instrument with standardized dimensions and attractive design.

The instrument can be delivered pre-configured for the required application and is supplied with a traceable calibration certificate.


  • Four LEDs for alarm indication and programming functions
  • Isolation between input and output signals


  • Wide range of input signal ranges
  • Incorporates two SPDT 6A 220V (resistive) type switched relays.


  • Quick and easy variation of the input signal, analog output (optional), alarms, etc.
  • Measurement of electrical signals (V and mA)


Input signal Voltage: 0-2V, 0-5V, 0-10V, -2/0/+2V, -5/0/+5V, -10/0/+10V

Current: 0-10mA, 0/4-20 mA

Accuracy 0.02% (voltage) 0.05% (current)
Reading -19999 to 99999
Resolution 1/40000 punts
Display Five-digit display of 12mm high 7-segment red LEDs
Operational temperature 0-50 ºC
Relative humidity 0-95 % without condensation
Temperature effect ± 0,001% / ºC
Input impedance 1 MΩ voltaje signal

100 Ω current signal

Electric connection Plug-in terminal blocks for 1.5mm² cables with fixation screw
Power supply 110V/220V selectable ± 10%
Frecuency 48-62 Hz
Alarms Two switched relays type SPDT 6A 220V (resistive)
Output Analog option 0-10 V or 0-20 mA selectable through internal bridge and scalable according to indications programmed in the display.
Dimensions 1/8 DIN 48 x 96 x 180 mm
Weight 500 grams

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