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Electric Generators HI-300 and HI-301

The HI-301 is a manual current generator for panel mounting. It controls a 4 to 20mA loop, powered by the instrument itself.

By acting directly on the knob on the front of the instrument, the output current value can be controlled manually.

The generator has a double indication. The first indication is read on a three-digit numerical display, which shows the output value in percentage mode for the range from 4 to 20mA. The second indication consists of a bar of 10 LEDs that allows to know the output value as an analog approximation.

This electrical generator has a dual power supply system and is powered from a 220Vac mains voltage or from a 24Vdc supply.


  • Control of loop devices from 4 to 20 mA
  • Possibility to install RS-485


  • Double power supply system
  • Numerical display
  • It has a bar of 10 LEDs


  • Manual current generation
  • Output current value control
  • Potentiometer control (on optional coder)

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