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5700 Series

5700 Series Elastomer Sealed Mass Flow Meters

Cost-effective gas flow metering for targeted applications.

Models 5700

When you need a compact, economical mass flow meter that delivers long-term, stable flow measurement without requiring temperature or pressure correction, the 5700 Series thermal mass flow meter meets your requirements. It’s engineered specifically for the needs of purge gas, process analysis and analytical flow measurement: cost-effective and stable, with an electrical output signal that makes it ideal for replacing turbine meters, variable area flow meters and other volumetric devices.


  • Metering only
  • Wide range of flow rates
  • Stainless steel wetted materials
  • Single sided power input
  • 0.5 Volt output signal


  • Mass flow measurement – no temperature or pressure correction required
  • Suitable for most applications
  • Rugged, all stainless steel construction and no moving parts provides superior corrosion resistance and long-term reliability compatible with most process/test gases
  • Simple, low cost installation
  • Electrical output signal allows flow indication, trending and totalizing
  • Great first consideration when upgrading from variable area flow meters


  • Purge gas measurement
  • Gas and moisture analyzers
  • Particle monitors
  • Medical/anesthesiology oxygen systems
  • Aeration/foaming system


Performance Ratings Mechanical Diagnostics Electrical Compliance

Product Type Mass Flow Controller
Response Time N/A
Repeatability 0.50% FS
Accuracy 5% of FS including linearity
Flow Range (Full Scale Capacity) 0  – 50 slpm
Differentiator Economical
Ideal Upgrade from Volumetric Devices
Multi-Gas & Range Configurability
Control Range N/A
Max Pressure 150 psig
Max Temperature 65oC
Seal Material Stainless Steel
Wetted Materials 304 and 316 Stainless Steel
Diagnostic Capability
Analog Communication 0-5 V into 1000 ohms or greater
Size Compact
Power Supply / Consumption 11.5 to 15.5 Vdc, 50 mA
Electrical Connection 5-Pin post header horizontal mount AMP 171826-5
Digital Communication

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