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ISense energy monitoring

HANWELL’s iSense motorization system is an innovative stand-alone unit that allows remote monitoring of various parameters via wireless GPRS technology.

Premises that previously seemed inaccessible, such as buildings, machinery, infrastructure or vehicles can now be easily accessed and monitored.

Several sensors can be connected to the iSense in order to monitor various parameters such as energy, temperature, pressure, structural stress, etc….

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  • GPRS Technology
  • Discreet design
  • Easy installation
  • Easy comprehension of the data obtained


  • Remote monitoring of various parameters such as energy, temperature, pressure, structural stress
  • Temperature in trucks, shock and vibration in tunnels, energy in schools, pressure and level in oil tanks, refrigerated chambers in hospitals, etc….


  • Data monitoring with date and time
  • Battery life up to five years
  • Increased event transfer rate
  • Data storage in non-volatile memory

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